About Me

Hi, I’m English. My ultimate mission is for you to make peace with yourself on the journey to becoming a stronger you…

I can tell you first hand that there is nothing standing in the way of your happiness as much as YOU are. So let me explain..

That war going on between your ears, you know… the one that tells you, you are “not good enough”.The voice that tells you how weak, ugly, incapable, broke, or unlovable you are compared to that “perfect”person who has it “all together”on Instagram? The voice that tells you that you should hate yourself and your body so much that you are desperately willing to do ANYTHING to change it, even if it involves sabotaging your health and sanity?

Yeah..… that voice is liar, but that voice CAN be telling the truth if you allow it… 

What I mean is, the messages we tell ourselves MATTER, because what we believe about ourselves is in turn is how we treat ourselves based on what we think we deserve. Even down to our little daily habits..the food, the people, the energy we allow to enter our lives, all begins in the mind. And so, we become a living, breathing, product that is a reflection of our very own thoughts. My point is, how you treat yourself and talk to yourself > is what you become.

This is why becoming fit and strong on the outside.. takes inner work. To change the way we look and feel in our bodies, we have to change our thoughts. Fitness is very much an “inside out” job. Trust me, I would know first hand, as someone who has ALWAYS struggled and still struggles but manages to push away negative, and self-deprecating thoughts. It took me years to figure out how to make peace with myself and my body, because I was chasing all the wrong things…but I’m now ready to share how I’ve managed to overcome them to become my strongest self with you.

Through yogic practice and taking care of my body through strength/conditioning training, I’ve found an outlet to cope and over-power these self-limiting beliefs. I have discovered both physical and mental strength I never knew I was capable of achieving through taking action, implementing discipline, and trading in toxic choices and habits for positive ones that have built and continue to build who I am today. These practices helped me change the narrative I had about myself and silence the negative thoughts and actions that held me back for many years.

Life is too short to be at war with yourself and not love the body, and life that you’ve been given! It’s my mission to help you find positivity, peace and confidence on the other side of fear of failure, self-limiting beliefs, and toxic behaviors that hold you back. 

I want you to calm the war between your ears, drop the limiting beliefs and realize that you are so CAPABLE of becoming that strong and confident person you have always wanted to be, and you CAN with the right practices and mindset. It’s time for to start showing up as that strong person the world needs, and prove to yourself how limitless you are.

*To read more about my personal fitness journey click here: My Story

Click HERE to train with me for FREE: At Home/Pre-recorded Programs:

Stream my free on-demand videos from my “SAVAGE” HIIT program which only requires a set of dumbbells (or just body weight) and can be streamed from any device anywhere on-the-go!

Who is this program for? The Savage Program is great for people who travel or workout from home who only have access to body weight workouts or some dumbbells, but want a challenging/fast-paced workout. This program is also great for beginners that aren’t sure how to workout in the gym on their own and is only 45 minutes.

I’ll be guiding you through each movement, and regardless of the level of fitness you are on, I promise it will challenge you for the better!

Together, let’s set goals and crush them.
