Hi, I’m English. I’m a NASM certified strength and conditioning coach. My journey with fitness started almost 10 years ago in humble beginnings..
I was chasing all the wrong things in my search for confidence, acceptance and happiness. I suffered through toxic relationships, substance abuse, depression and anxiety that drained my spark, and lead to a serious eating disorder.
After many years of attempting to starve myself into a place of “worthiness”, I flipped a switch. I realized I couldn’t hate myself into happiness. Instead of desperately trying to be someone I wasn’t, I began to accept who I was and strive to be the strongest version of ME.
Through my coaching, you will learn that with the right, simple habits, consistency and mindset, you CAN learn to love the strongest version of you from the inside out. Building a strong body you are proud of is not as impossible or complicated as you may think.
I can’t wait to see you shine,